In recent years, the agricultural community has expressed concerns about the status of capacity for crop-related research in Western Canada. WGRF heard these concerns and has committed $32 million to accelerate and expand crop research.
Phase 1 of this initiative was focused on expanding human resources. WGRF supported the Universities of Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan in their vision to establish Research Chairs.
In 2019, WGRF initiated Phase 2 of its capacity-building initiative, a competitive, proposal-based process to expand the tools (infrastructure and tangible assets) necessary to accelerate crop research for the benefit of field crop farmers in Western Canada.
In total, twenty-four Phase 2 Capacity Initiative applications were approved by WGRF. Additional Capacity funding announcements will be made in the coming months.
For more information, please contact:
Lisa Jategaonkar M.Sc., PAg
Research Program Manager
Western Grains Research Foundation