WGRF Approves Funding for Increased Research Capacity in Northern Sask.

As part of its $32 million Capacity Initiative, WGRF is pleased to announce a $266,931 infrastructure investment at the Conservation Learning Centre (CLC) south of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.
“The CLC is an integral part of the Agri-ARM network of research and demonstration sites across the province of Saskatchewan,” says, Dr. Keith Degenhardt, WGRF Board Chair. “The purchase of a new plot combine increases efficiency and allows the CLC to continue to expand its research capacity for a wide variety of agronomic trials.”
Various organizations across all three-prairie provinces have expressed interest in or have research projects on site at the CLC, including the University of Manitoba, University of Saskatchewan, the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute, and various commodity groups.
“The Conservation Learning Centre is thrilled and thankful to have secured such a key piece of research equipment,” says Robin Lokken, Manager of the CLC. “This plot combine arrived just in time to help us with harvest of the 2020 crop, providing better quality data, and in the future will allow the CLC to increase the number and scale of research projects on site, providing producers with more relevant and local information.”