WGRF Commits $750,000 for New Research Building

WGRF Commits $750,000 for New Research Building
As part of its $32 million Capacity Initiative, WGRF is pleased to announce funding of $750,000 towards the establishment of an Advanced Agriculture Research Centre of Excellence at SARDA AG Research in Donnelly, Alberta.
SARDA Ag Research is a non-profit organization directed by producers from the Municipal Districts of Smoky River, Greenview, Big Lakes County, Northern Sunrise County and the County of Grande Prairie, AB.
“SARDA’s research has been benefiting producers in the region for more than 30 years,” says Dr. Keith Degenhardt, WGRF Board Chair. “WGRF is excited to contribute to this unique opportunity for SARDA to build a hub in the north for advanced agricultural research.”
“SARDA envisions the Advanced Agriculture Research Centre of Excellence as a place for producers and researchers to gather, share new ideas on crop research, methodology and facilitate the transfer of quality research information,” says Vance Yaremko, Executive Director SARDA. “We are very grateful to WGRF for the investment in our research Centre. SARDA is providing more than $960,000 towards the new building for a total project cost of more than $1.7 Million.”
SARDA expects the Advanced Agriculture Research Centre of Excellence to be completed by spring 2023.
“WGRF’s Capacity Initiative provides research associations across Western Canada an opportunity to build infrastructure or replace and enhance their current equipment,” says Garth Patterson, WGRF Executive Director. “This new building will help SARDA to expand the scope of their own research, while also leading to increased research collaborations with scientists across Canada on applied research.”
In total, twenty-four Phase 2 Capacity Initiative applications were approved by WGRF. Additional Capacity funding announcements will be made in the coming months.