WGRF Approves Funding to Expand Capacity at Parkland College

As part of its $32 million Capacity Initiative, WGRF is pleased to announce a $60,440 infrastructure investment to the Yorkton research farm, managed by Parkland College and the East Central Research Foundation (ECRF).
“WGRF is pleased to provide funding to expand the capacity at the Yorkton research farm,” says, Dr. Keith Degenhardt, WGRF Board Chair. “This investment by WGRF will help to expand their capacity to conduct on-farm field scale work,” says Degenhardt.
The Yorkton Research Farm at Parkland College fills an important role in the agricultural research ecosystem of Saskatchewan. The Yorkton research farm will be using this funding to purchase a truck, weigh wagon, dump trailer, office size clipper seed/grain cleaner plus various screens, a custom-built sample dryer as well as equipment to improve extension of research results.
“The majority of the work conducted by the farm currently involves small plot grain crop production, says Michael Hall, Research Coordinator, Parkland College. “This funding from WGRF will help to increase our capacity to do forage work and on-farm field scale work to address issues not found on the experimental farm. Every asset purchased will support the entire research program,” says Hall.
In total, twenty-four Phase 2 Capacity Initiative applications were approved by WGRF. Additional Capacity funding announcements will be made in the coming months.