
WGRF Members Update

WGRF-Member-Update-Summer-2020Download On July 23 and August 12, 2020, the WGRF held Board Meetings by conference call Due to COVID-19, the election of Executive and Committee members was deferred from April 2020 to July 23rd The election results are: WGRF Executive and Committee Members…

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Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) Board of Directors elected a new Chair, Vice-Chair and Committee Members at its Board Meeting on July 23, 2020 Dr Keith Degenhardt was elected as the Chair and Stewart Wells was elected as the Vice-Chair Keith has a PhD in Plant Pathology from the…

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WGRF is pleased to announce a $15 million-dollar investment in Graduate Scholarships at the University of Manitoba, the University of Alberta, and the University of Saskatchewan The scholarships are available to students pursuing their Masters or PhD in any of WGRF's priority research areas WGRF…

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The Prairie Pest Monitoring Network (PPMN), launched a new website today, Prairiepestca The PPMN is a prairie-wide insect pest monitoring group that provides valuable information, predicts insect risks, monitors insect populations and offers information to growers and agronomists to help them…

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