Keyword: oat
Scale up and validation of a low-cost paper-based test for mycotoxins
Mycotoxins are naturally occurring toxins produced by mold that can sometimes be found in crops or food Mycotoxins can develop pre-harvest, during harvest, or while in storage, and can be difficult and expensive to detect Maria DeRosa, a Professor at Carleton University, led a research project…Read More
Oats: improve the gastrointestinal health of horses
Taken together, the findings of this research on whole oat incorporation into the equine diet support the hypothesis that a diet with a high concentration of NSC (non-structural carbohydrates) (>35%), small particle size, and no oats will result in gastrointestinal leakiness, and that inclusion…Read More
Drying fuel alcohols and natural gas with biosorbents based on agricultural by-products
Gas dehydration is an important component of energy production and distribution Prior to distribution, natural gas must be dehydrated to control corrosion and prevent formation of solid hydrocarbon-water hydrates In biofuel production, current processing techniques through fermentation generate low…Read More
Validating the stage of maturity at harvest for barley, oat and triticale for swath grazing
Read MoreCrop sequencing of large acreage crops and special crops
Producers are always evaluating their crop sequences and rotations seeking to maximize returns without jeopardizing future income through poor agronomic practices Producers who are growing or want to grow special crops like canaryseed, coriander, hemp or quinoa lack this valuable information The…Read More