The federal government annually provides a Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit to producers offering them money back on their check-off investments The tax credit percentage for producers who contributed to WGRF through the wheat and barley check-off in 2013 are…

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Through a co-funding partnership with the Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) and other producer commodity groups, Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) is pleased to announce $27 million of new funding towards 26 crop-related research projects The WGRF Endowment Fund is used to fund crop…

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In collaboration with several western Canadian producer crop commodity organizations, the Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) has issued a request for proposals to assess the capacity for crop agronomic research in Western Canada “Agronomic research provides valuable information for…

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Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) would like to thank Minister Ritz and the Government of Canada for their continued partnership and investment in wheat variety development The $125 million announced today by Minister Ritz when combined with the industry contributions from WGRF ($96…

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Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) is pleased to announce that the University of Saskatchewan has selected Colleen Redlick and Andrea De Roo as this year’s recipients of the WGRF Graduate Scholarships The WGRF Graduate Scholarships are open to students completing a masters or PhD in some…

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