Researcher: Hossein Borhan
Functional use of core pathogenicity genes to develop mitigation strategies against blackleg of canola and FHB of wheat
Read MoreDissecting the genetics of B. napus resistance to clubroot
Read MoreDeveloping allele specific molecular markers for the B. napus blackleg resistance (Rlm) genes
Read MorePriming plant defense: A broad spectrum defense response that protects crops that have no genetic resistance or effective chemical treatment
Read MoreMapping and introgression of the highly effective Brassica rapa blackleg resistance gene Rlm11 into spring-type Brassica napus
Researchers with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada recently completed the genetic mapping of the blackleg resistance gene Rlm11 Rlm11 is effective against the L maculans isolates carrying the avirulence gene AvrLm11, which is found in 95 percent of L maculans isolates collected from western Canadian…Read More