Stopping Cleaver - Crops Guide, December 2013
CN under and CP over Revenue Caps for Crop Year 2012-2013 - News Wire, December 2013
Building Better Black Leg Resistance - Crops Guide, November 2013
$25 Million in Funding Announced for Wheat Cluster -…
Funding organizations from across Canada are participating in the development of a national Integrated Crop Agronomy Cluster for submission to the next federal Agriculture Policy Framework (APF), the successor to the current Growing Forward 2 programming
The research priorities of the Funding…
Funding organizations from across Canada are participating in the development of a Canadian National Wheat Cluster for submission to the next federal Agriculture Policy Framework (APF), the successor to the current Growing Forward 2 programming
The Funding Organizations supporting this Request…
Alberta Barley, the Saskatchewan Barley Development Commission (SaskBarley), the Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association (MWBGA) and the Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) are pleased to announce a commitment of more than $24 million over five years to the barley variety development…
(Photo: Wheat breeder and professor Dean Spaner, foreground, and members of the wheat breeding research team at the U of A)
WGRF Invests $800,000 for U of A Wheat Breeding
The Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) and the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Agricultural, life &…