Keyword: agronomy
Revisiting nitrogen fertilizer recommendations for Saskatchewan: Are we measuring the right soil nitrogen pool?
Read MoreIntroducing high value specialty crops to western Canadian crop rotations
In recent years, crop production on the Canadian prairies is experiencing noticeable change as growers recognize the benefits of crop rotation and proper cropping sequence Crops grown in previous years may substantially affect yields of the current crops, by impacting occurrence and severity of…Read More
Improved integrated disease management for oats (Avena sativa L.) in Saskatchewan
Studies on integrated disease management (IDM) have shown that utilizing several management practices simultaneously is often most effective for disease control in crops In oats (Avena sativa L), the efficacy of fungicide application for preserving oat yield and quality has been shown to vary with…Read More
Developing a soil health assessment protocol for Saskatchewan producers
Farmers are looking for appropriate tools and methods for assessing and interpreting the health status of their soils; however, for Saskatchewan there is no standardized and prairie-based soil health test available As such, we focused on developing a soil health testing protocol for arable cropping…Read More
Biological nitrogen fixation in short-season soybean varieties for Saskatchewan
In recent years soybean breeding programs have developed a number of short-season soybean varieties for Saskatchewan and Manitoba While many of these varieties have adaptations that enable them to grow well in the western Canadian prairie provinces, resulting seed typically has lower seed protein…Read More