Co-funder: Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission
Improving yield, yield stability and grade protection in western Canadian spring wheat cultivars – an integrated approach
Read MoreEconomic value of diversified cropping systems
The purpose of the project was to improve understanding of the value of diversified cropping for three regions of the Canadian Prairies with different climatic conditions These included the Parkland region where canola dominates cropping systems, southern Manitoba where warmer season crops such as…Read More
The population structure of Fusarium pathogens of small grain cereals, their distribution and relationship to mycotoxins
Read MoreGlyphosate- or auxinic-resistant kochia and Russian thistle prairie surveys
Kochia is a problem weed in Prairie field crops which reduces crop yield and impedes harvest Kochia is mainly managed with herbicides and has become resistant to several Herbicide-resistant kochia will survive and reproduce when sprayed with a herbicide which normally kills it The study objective…Read More