WGRF Members Update

On July 23 and August 12, 2020, the WGRF held Board Meetings by conference call. Due to COVID-19, the election of Executive and Committee members was deferred from April 2020 to July 23rd. The election results are:

WGRF Executive and Committee Members Chair: Dr. Keith Degenhardt

Vice-Chair: Stewart Wells

Executive Committee: Keith Degenhardt, Stewart Wells, Greg Sundquist, Jill Verwey, Terry Young,

Research Committee: Terry James (Chair), Bruce Dalgarno, Greg Sundquist, Kenton Possberg, Malcom Odermatt, Terry Young

Governance Committee: Jason Skotheim (Chair), Jill Verwey, Stewart Wells, Terry James, Wade Hainstock

Investment Committee: Bob Rugg (Chair), Bill Gehl, Jason Skotheim, Mark Akins

Research Funding

The Board approved up to $24.4 Million for 24 proposals in the Phase 2 Capacity initiative. Specific project announcements will be made after agreements are in place.

WGRF announced a $1.5 million-dollar investment in Graduate Scholarships at the University of Manitoba, the University of Alberta, and the University of Saskatchewan. For the next five years, the Universities will each receive $100,000 per year from WGRF. The scholarships are available to students pursuing their Masters or PhD in any of WGRF’s priority research areas.

WGRF approved funding for five projects received through Ag Action Manitoba More details will be available following discussions with co-funders and completion of contracts with the research institutions.

Communications and Technology Transfer

Technology transfer is critical to conveying results of research to agronomists and producers. The WGRF Communications program continues to fund and explore new opportunities to enhance technology transfer tools

The Field Heroes Podcast Series “Pest and Predators” has been very successful. The podcasts have been downloaded almost 2500 times and have more than 1000 views on YouTube. All episodes can be found here: realagriculture.com/category/podcasts/pests-  predators/

WGRF was instrumental in helping launch the new Prairie Pest Monitoring Network website, Prairiepest.ca. The new website helps farmers and agronomists predict insect risks, monitor insect populations, and find information to help scout for pests, time their scouting activities, and to make decisions about using chemical controls.

WGRF Prepares for 40th Anniversary

2021 will mark the 40th Anniversary of WGRF. This anniversary will be an opportunity to reflect on the impact that WGRF has had on the industry and to consider research of importance moving forward.

WGRF Membership

The WGRF Board approved a request by the Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association (MWBGA) to transfer their WGRF membership to the Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA).