WGRF Funding Systems Approach to Crop Sustainability (SACS)

SACS Announcement

Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) would like to thank Minister Ritz and the Government of Canada for their continued partnership and investment in research and development. Today’s announcement of  $2.16 million for a Systems Approach to Crop Sustainability on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, combined with WGRF’s commitment of $2.16 million accounts for a total investment of $4.32 million for agronomy research over the next 5 years.

The SACS proposal encompasses three interconnected areas: crop risk management, beneficial rotational management, and soil fertility. The overall goal of this project is to support growth and sustainability of the Canadian crop industry, through improved crop management and monitoring systems, increased adoption and uptake of agronomic knowledge, and augmented investment in agronomic research and innovation.

“WGRF developed the SACS proposal working closely with various stakeholders in the crop industry to address the needs for agronomic research” said Garth Patterson, WGRF Executive Director. “Producers have been asking for information about what they should be considering for both specific crop agronomy as well as when making crop rotation decisions over many years.”

Producers in western Canada rarely grow only one type of crop. This proposal will lead a much-needed multi-crop perspective that will give a home to research for integrated crops management.

“Canadian farmers face numerous critical challenges and are required to produce more and better products, while maintaining their bottom line and soil fertility,” said Dave Sefton, WGRF Board Chair. “Research in agronomy is vital to fully realize genetic gain and increase crop productivity. The research activities involved in the SACS proposal will generate practical information that farmers can apply to their operations and increase profitability.”

Research activities will be carried out across Canada through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, University of Guelph, University of Montreal, University of Saskatchewan, University of Manitoba, Farming Smarter, and the Western Applied Research Corporation.

WGRF led the development of the Systems Approach to Crop Sustainability (SACS) application for the AgriInnovation Program (AIP) with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). The application was developed with input from: Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission, Manitoba Canola Growers Association, Alberta Canola Producers Association, Canola Council of Canada, Alberta Pulse Growers, Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, Manitoba Pulse Growers Association, Pulse Canada, Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission, Flax Council of Canada, Alberta Barley Commission, BC Grain Producers Association.