Project Name: Efficacy of multispecies of perennial forage crops for weed control
Institution: University of Saskatchewan
Total WGRF Funding: $19,673
Start Date: 2015
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Project Name: Effects of vertical tillage on soil structure and crop yields in Southern Saskatchewan
Institution: University of Saskatchewan
Total WGRF Funding: $49,766
Start Date: 2015
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Project Name: Reducing weed seed production in herbicide resistant weeds with pre-harvest herbicide application
Institution: University of Saskatchewan
Total WGRF Funding: $104,650
Start Date: 2015
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Project Name: Growing winter annual forages in mixtures: assessment of agricultural impacts in a semiarid environment
Institution: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Total WGRF Funding: $83,272
Start Date: 2015
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Project Name: Has transition to no-tillage resulted in more free-living soil N fixation?
Institution: University of Saskatchewan
Total WGRF Funding: $57,441
Start Date: 2015
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