As part of its $32 million Capacity Initiative, WGRF is pleased to announce a $253,000 investment at Farming Smarter for the purchase of a plot seeder and plot combine
Farming Smarter is a not-for-profit research organization located near Lethbridge, Alberta The organization conducts…
As we celebrate 40 years of the Western Grains Research Foundation this year, it’s an ideal time to reflect on our accomplishments and plan ahead for future success WGRF has undergone significant changes in strategic direction in recent years These changes and the anniversary have created an…
As part of their 40th Anniversary, WGRF commissioned a survey to identify and confirm cross cutting crop prodcution issues of greatest concern to western Canadian farmers
“I would like to thank everyone that participated in this survey,” says Dr Keith Degenhardt, WGRF Board Chair…
As part of its $32 million Capacity Initiative, WGRF is pleased to announce a $293,492 investment at the Gateway Research Organization (GRO) to purchase a new combine
Established in 1994, GRO is a producer run not for profit applied agricultural research association serving Westlock…
As part of its $32 million Capacity Initiative, WGRF is pleased to announce a $727,470 investment in equipment and infrastructure for the Indian Head Agricultural Research Foundation (IHARF) located in Indian Head Saskatchewan
This funding will assist IHARF in acquiring processing and…