Keyword: cropping systems
Optimizing crop rotations to enhance agronomic, economic and environmental performance
Read MoreSelecting crop sequences and developing a risk model to mitigate FHB in western Canadian cereal production
Read MoreThe right balance: management strategies for plugging organic soil health constraints and moving forward
Read MoreFrequency of soybean in Manitoba crop rotations
Crop rotations in Manitoba have shifted significantly in the past 10 years with the rapid expansion in soybean acres This raises important questions about the opportunities and implications on how to optimize soybean in rotation with other crops, such as canola, wheat, and corn This 4 year rotation…Read More
Introducing high value specialty crops to western Canadian crop rotations
In recent years, crop production on the Canadian prairies is experiencing noticeable change as growers recognize the benefits of crop rotation and proper cropping sequence Crops grown in previous years may substantially affect yields of the current crops, by impacting occurrence and severity of…Read More