Keyword: agronomy
Develop and assess the different strategies to reduce the impact of pollen beetle Brassicogethes viridescens (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), a new invasive insect pest on canola
Read MoreClimate-smart canola: quantifying soil- and fertilizer-derived nitrogen sources and greenhouse gas emissions under canola hybrids
Read MoreMycotoxins and metabolites, their role in Fusarium pathogenesis and implications for durum-pulse rotations
Root rot of pulse crops and Fusarium head blight (FHB) of cereals are important diseases that have significant negative impacts for Canadian farmers Root rot is caused by a complex of pathogens, including Fusarium avenaceum (Fa) and Fusarium graminearum (Fg) In this project, we explored the role of…Read More
New tools to improve wild oat and weed management in oat
Every year, growers in Canada spend more money on wild oat control ($500 million) than on any other weed Wild oat (Avena fatua L) is a competitive weed (Willenborg et al, 2005a,b) that is a significant problem in many crops Wild oat management is perhaps most challenging in oat crops because the…Read More