Co-funder: MAFRD-Agri-Food Research & Development Initiative
Achieving the best resistance to clubroot disease in canola by pyramiding multiple effective resistance genes
Read MoreAgronomic management of organic forage grass seed crops
Read MoreAssessment of vascular function and inflammatory biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk by canola and flax oils in the COMIT trial
Read MoreInfluence of genotype, weather and the growing environment, and crop management on gluten strength and the sustainability of CWRS as a premium wheat class in the prairie region
Performance Story: Influence of Genotype, Weather and the Growing Environment, and Crop Management on Gluten Strength of CWRS Wheat Gluten strength is a critical asset of CWRS wheat and is the foundation for the longstanding success of the CWRS wheat brand Today's CWRS wheat as a class, has…Read More
Confection sunflower variety development initiative
Canadian sunflower growers have limited access to confection sunflower genetics and hybrids At present, outside of this project, there remains no sunflower breeding programs, public or private in Canada Canadian sunflower growers continue to be entirely dependent upon USA seed companies for seed…Read More