Co-funder: Agriculture Development Fund
Quantifying the contribution of pulse crop residues to GHG emissions, N nutrition, and the growth of a subsequent wheat crop
Read MoreCan enhanced efficiency N fertilizers mitigate against N losses in single-pass seeding operations?
Read MoreCrop sequencing of large acreage crops and special crops
Producers are always evaluating their crop sequences and rotations seeking to maximize returns without jeopardizing future income through poor agronomic practices Producers who are growing or want to grow special crops like canaryseed, coriander, hemp or quinoa lack this valuable information The…Read More
Development of an automated fungal detection system using MEMS-based spore sensor
Fungi cause more than $100 billion in crop damage worldwide annually Fungal infections are spread by the distribution of fungal spores via water flow, wind currents, and insects Detecting and monitoring spores will facilitate disease management strategies to reduce economic loss In this project the…Read More
Integrated crop management for high yielding flax production
Improving weed management in flax is critical to improving the overall value and adoptability of this crop in Western Canada This project was carried out with the objectives of discovering short-term (herbicides, fertilizer, fungicide and cultural practices) and long-term (cropping systems) on…Read More