Co-funder: Agriculture Development Fund
Genomics & molecular marker assisted mapping approach to identify disease resistance genes in flax
A total of 105 accessions were selected for pasmo resistance from the screening of more than 3,400 accessions available at the Plant Genetic Resource Canada (PGRC) collections Crosses were made between the best pasmo resistant accessions and an advanced CDC breeding line Recombinant inbred…Read More
Increasing faba bean use in pet food and aquaculture feeds
Read MoreAddressing the challenges of growing canaryseed
The first objective of this project was to Identify and characterize possible dwarfing (Rht) genes in canary seed Short-statured lines were identified and evaluated over a four year period The lines were sensitive to the plant hormone Gibberellic acid and thus height was not likely controlled by…Read More
Developing field pea varietal blends for higher yields and pest suppression
The primary production and secondary processing of field pea makes a significant contribution to Saskatchewan’s economy annually Field pea has two distinct leaf morphologies: a leafed-type (LV) with leaflets extending from the stipule; and a semi-leafless (SL) type, with tendrils extending…Read More
An integration of agronomy and breeding to reduce disease susceptibility in fall rye
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a common disease in cereal crops, such as wheat, barley, and oat Very little is known about FHB on rye in Canada In this project, fall rye spike samples were collected from naturally infected fall rye fields in Manitoba Five Fusarium species were isolated and…Read More