The impact of seed treatments and foliar fungicides and their interaction with variety resistance and plant growth regulators on barley productivity and quality
Posted on 06.02.2017 | Last Modified 07.05.2019
Lead Researcher (PI): Kelly Turkington
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Total WGRF Funding:
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Alberta Barley Commission
Start Date:
Project Length:
5 Years
1. To determine the impact of in-furrow fungicides, seed treatments and fungicide timings, on crop health, disease levels, productivity and quality in barley. 2. To assess the interaction of disease resistance with seed treatments and fungicides 3. To assess the interactive effects of plant growth regulator application, with flag leaf emergence or head emergence fungicide application on malting barley quality, yield, microbial load, and mycotoxin level