Project Name: Integrated crop management systems for wild oat control
Institution: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Total WGRF Funding: $112,998
Start Date: 2014
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Project Name: Towards generating multiple-fungal disease resistance in lentil- can we score a hat trick?
Institution: University of Saskatchewan
Total WGRF Funding: $137,554
Start Date: 2014
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Project Name: Mitigating the impact of leaf spots and fusarium head blight in wheat
Institution: University of Saskatchewan
Total WGRF Funding: $86,002
Start Date: 2014
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Project Name: Contra season (winter) nursery for oilseed flax
Institution: University of Saskatchewan
Total WGRF Funding: $165,000
Start Date: 2014
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Project Name: Developing the next generation of IPM tools – mobile applications for pest identification, monitoring, and forecasting for sustainable and profitable crop production
Institution: University of Manitoba
Total WGRF Funding: $514,591
Start Date: 2014
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