Project Name: Functional validation of Brassica napus genes related to clubroot resistance through high-throughput CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing
Institution: University of Saskatchewan
Total WGRF Funding: $216,500
Start Date: 2022
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Project Name: Modified surface wax for improved water retention in canola
Institution: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Total WGRF Funding: $44,550
Start Date: 2022
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Project Name: Introgression of alien FHB resistance into adapted Canadian durum wheat
Institution: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Total WGRF Funding: $92,125
Start Date: 2022
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Project Name: Discovery of favorable alleles to increase phosphorus and nitrogen use efficiency in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Institution: Global Institute for Food Security
Total WGRF Funding: $169,625
Start Date: 2022
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Project Name: Developing allele specific molecular markers for the B. napus blackleg resistance (Rlm) genes
Institution: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Total WGRF Funding: $128,450
Start Date: 2022
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