
Delivery of an innovative winter wheat agronomic package to achieve sustainable wheat production in Canada

Posted on 04.03.2019 | Last Modified 13.03.2025
Lead Researcher (PI): Brian Beres
Institution: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Total WGRF Funding: $328,468
Co-Funders: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Alberta Wheat Commission, Saskatchewan Winter Cereals Development Commission
Start Date: 2018
Project Length: 5 Years

To determine how best to manipulate agronomic factors for optimum canola harvest timing, productivity and crop sequencing with winter wheat. To understand the role of growth habit (spring versus winter) in relation to differential crop and soil responses. To determine how system integration and intensity effects influence winter wheat production and interactions with disease, weed, and insect pests. To elucidate the influence of preceding break crops on succeeding winter wheat crop responses in the Canadian prairies.