
Bio-inoculants for the promotion of nutrient use efficiency and crop resiliency in Canadian agriculture

Posted on 24.09.2024 | Last Modified 24.09.2024
Lead Researcher (PI): Ivan Oresnik
Institution: University of Manitoba
Total WGRF Funding: $115,000
Co-Funders: Genome Canada, Government of Manitoba, Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers, Ontario Research Fund, Queen's University, University of Toronto, McMaster University, Ontario Bean Growers
Start Date: 2024
Project Length: 4 Years

i) Identify novel microbial inoculants for Canadian crops ii) Develop rhizobium inoculants for dry bean and green peas iii) Optimize genotypes and conditions for industrial inoculant production and in-field performance iv) Characterize plant/inoculant interactions v) Integrated GE3LS: Environmental, economic, and social dimensions of inoculants