
ACTIVATing genomics to accelerate climate smart crop delivery

Posted on 26.03.2024 | Last Modified 26.03.2024
Researchers: Curtis Pozniak; Kirstin Bett
Institution: University of Saskatchewan
Total WGRF Funding: $575,000
Co-Funders: Agriculture Development Fund, Genome Canada, Manitoba Crop Alliance, Results Driven Agriculture Research, Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission
Start Date: 2023
Project Length: 4 Years

ACTIVATing: i) genomic resources to reduce nitrous oxide emissions by wheat ii) selection targets to reduce GHG emissions through crop rotation iii) climate-smart cultivars and microbiomes, iv) genomic knowledge for climate-smart plant breeding and v) increased adoption of climate-smart crop rotations and an improved understanding of their benefits