
Expanding BnVQs (Valine-Glutamine) gene family against Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum in canola

Posted on 24.09.2024 | Last Modified 24.09.2024
Lead Researcher (PI): Zhongwei Zou
Institution: Wilfrid Laurier University
Total WGRF Funding: $152,375
Co-Funders: Alberta Canola Producers Commission, Manitoba Canola Growers Association, Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission
Start Date: 2024
Project Length: 5 Years

1. Evaluate Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR) disease resistance in canola varieties, including Westar, blackleg resistance lines, spring canola, and winter canola commercial varieties in the greenhouse. 2) Characterize the global gene expression patterns of 118 BnVQs in B. napus under S. sclerotiorum infection in Westar and the most resistant canola line. Identify the critical BnVQs responsible for SSR resistance. 3) Produce transgenic canola lines overexpressing critical BnVQs (positive regulator) and CRISPR/Cas9 knockout BnVQs (negative regulator) for the improvement of SSR disease resistance, which will facilitate the production of DNA-free pre-breeding lines. 4) Identify novel candidate genes highly associated with characterized BnVQs that can improve canola resistance to SSR disease.