Researcher: Christiane Catellier
Alternate analytical methods for evaluating environment-specific varietal performance of various crops in Saskatchewan
For major crops in Saskatchewan, there is considerable investment in genetic improvement, variety development and evaluation Varietal performance across environments is assessed by Regional Variety Trials (RVT) and published annually in the Saskatchewan “Varieties of Grain Crops” publication,…Read More
A meta-analysis of small-plot trial data to examine the relationship between crop development and environmental conditions in canola
Canola emergence rates vary widely with management practices and field conditions, thus it is difficult to know the specific seeding density required to achieve the optimum plant population for maximizing canola yields It would be beneficial for growers to know the precise range of emergence rates…Read More
Evaluating the interaction of management and environment on crop production in western Canada using producer-reported data
Research has shown that the variability in crop yield response to seeding date can often be attributed to environmental conditions experienced by the crop at important developmental or physiological stages, which vary with year and location Producers would benefit in better understanding the effect…Read More