Researcher: Bill Biligetu
Selection of clonal propagated alfalfa and sainfoin plants under grass or legume competition
Persistence of alfalfa under grass competition or persistence of sainfoin under alfalfa competition raises a similar breeding question This project was a 5-yr forage breeding research initiated in spring of 2017 The objectives of the research were: to evaluate and select 1) alfalfa clones growing…Read More
Development of crested wheatgrass lines with improved forage nutritive value
Crested wheatgrass is a deep-rooted bunchgrass, which is tolerant of drought and extreme winter temperatures common in Saskatchewan It is among the first perennial grasses to green up in the spring, and is of high quality at early growth stages However, crested wheatgrass generally matures early,…Read More
Development of locally adapted alfalfa cultivars in Saskatchewan
Alfalfa is one of the most important forage crops for the Canadian beef and dairy industries In the Canadian Prairies alone, there is over 45 million hectares of pure alfalfa or grass-alfalfa mixed stand in production Development of regionally adapted new alfalfa cultivars has been an important…Read More